Tuesday, November 22, 2011


I guess the best I can hope for in my quest to get back to the garden nature has always been, since well before the first civilization convinced its members they owned and/or owed for any of it, is to become independently feral. I brought this here intertube portal with me to the woods through which to check on the always-encroaching proximity of the civilized sprawl I intend to avoid, like any problem one must get away from to think rationally about.

This Occupy Wall Street movement has attracted me almost as strongly as the lack of such active awareness in western civilization drove me away to my tipi in the first place. When I think of how best to contribute to the …

…I’ve been stuck on the next word for two days, during which I watched the entire N17 day of action streaming from http://www.ustream.tv/TheOther99 until an estimated 35,000 protesters filled the Brooklyn Bridge from both directions at the peak of an adventurous day with the earnest reporter, Tim Pool. I still don’t know the next words to describe what it is I would be contributing to and, I suspect, neither do most of those people dedicated to freely holding forth en mass about the same injustices that 99% of their fellow citizens daily grumble about, shove down and chase with antacid and sleeping pills before bed just to cling to lives of still hired wannabes watching that goal at the top of the heap moved further away by millionaires’ minions sent down to truncheon the nasty away from the nice; worried how they look every day.

What draws me to the movement seems to be the same feeling of escape from the invisible prison I’ve been blogging about for five years.

I suppose the word I was looking for next above would be …awakenings. Awakening to the positive possibilities of changing society from a life long contest of amassing the greatest profit with the least personal investment into one where old men plant trees under which they won't live to enjoy the shade. Awakening from the nightmare of a nation of petroleum junkies robbing neighbors for their stash to harmonize directly with the solar source of energy that originally gave life to the decayed matter soup over which we now squabble. Awakening to the lethal cesspools we’ve made of our water, gas chambers we’ve made of our air and poison deposits we’ve made in the earth. Awakening to the millions of jobs created in the effort to replace our sooty chimneys with symbiotic sharing of ambient sun, wind, geothermal and tidal energies amidst which we’ve failed with oil all along.

It’s bigger than the economy — the economy is based on creating the problem. It’s bigger than jobs — the jobs are to keep the status quo. It’s about a whole new way of life with the health of the planet our primary concern by realizing our welfare depends on how symbiotic we can be with nature — not on how we can enslave it.


Brian Miller said...

amen...all about awakening...has been interesting to watch occupy...i wonder if anyone is really listening though...

Anonymous said...

Some are listening I guess, and are acting by moving their money from banks to credit unions in order to send a message. But that is only the tiniest tip of the iceberg considering the changes that really need to happen to reshape our global culture and economy. I guess each journey begins with small steps.

Garth said...

So far the biggerst problem for the PTB is that the Occupy movement has no head and no specific demands.