I shall let Cinnamon’s comment quoted above be testimony that I have found the “clarity through a Cinnamon mist” after months of bumping into boulders of obscurity in comments like, “Oh dear friend, I am going to have to take a course in logical thinking to 'get' you! My brain is aching with the gymnastics required to understand your concepts….,” and “…not sure my little brain could cope with knowing that I know nothing,” and “Well I might get credit for commenting, but won't get credit for understanding, 'cause I got lost halfway through..”
On first reading of the theme I saw Clarity, though Cinnamon missed in regard to her missing deadlines for the last couple of sessions. Must be the Mummer cacophony. ;p
OMG- LOL!!!!
you guys are not going to let me forget this are you, ha ha!
Cinnamon, there's no conspiracy, this post was formed of just the juxtaposition of the theme and your difficulties with my admittedly convoluted meanderings. It was as much a confession as an observation.
but we still love you...smiles.
Thanks, Brian, I kinda like you too ;p
Well, THERE'S an angle I didn't expect. HAH!
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