Sunday, October 26, 2008


Washington, D. C. January 20, 2009 — The next thing President Obama said at his inaugural after he said, “I do,” was, “Officer, arrest these men!” as he handed a list of war criminals in attendance to a forewarned CIA agent in charge of a cadre of men designated to handcuff and march George Bush, Dick Cheney, Condoleezza Rice, Donald Rumsfeld. Alberto Gonzales, Colin Powell, George Tennant, Carl Rove and Henry Paulson to a cell without a phone call, bail or contact with a lawyer in an undisclosed location until such time as their mess can be straightened out enough to begin national healing and to have an airtight case against the perpetrators of treachery and all their toady little henchmen.

The next thing he did was rescind all signing statements and hand a list of legislation passed in the past eight years requiring review of their constitutionality and desirability by the new congress to Henry Waxman.

The next thing he did was loosen his tie, take off his coat, grab his wife and kids and start dancing right there on the podium to music by Bruce Springsteen and the Dixie Chicks.

Yeah, and on the second day …

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

NaGaHa, much the pity. :)