This post is a two headed snake or two snakes I can’t tell apart. I realize that my posts don’t wander very far from the theme of returning to symbiosis with nature as a cure for our history of antagonism toward it and to thereby, hopefully mediate the impending karmic comeuppance on the social, economic, political and environmental scenes. This time I had two posts working simultaneously when I realized that the derogatory reputation of the peasant in modern life was wrought by the same evolution that made our tools our masters and we their slavish morons. I will leave them as separate posts for the perspective I gained when I realized that the government has become so corporatized that mere thrift is anti-American and barter is downright treasonous. You don’t have to march in protest to be a terrorist anymore, merely living without paying the price that is being protested is enough.
If there is one thing that anyone may do and understand a deeper connection to the world and the universe, it is this -- take off your shoes and walk, know that the ground beneath your feet is sacred.
I agree, Michael, Mahakal, מהכאל.
Try telling that to someone working in and walking through the offal of a slaughterhouse everyday and your sentiment is wasted.
To one whose home is filled with filth: go outside. If you cannot walk in your own neighborhood, go out from there. You cannot know what your environment looks like, truly, without comparing it to another.
Going out from your filth only leaves a filthy trail wherever you go and an arbitrary comparison when you track it through other places. Better sit in ones own shit until you can come clean with yourself than making it a communal problem.
I thought we're wandering off the thread of the post until I realized once again that your more spiritual approach is much more direct a solution to the process of realization while being of virtually no practical use to the spiritually distracted, job and authority weary prisoner of this impractical system of civilization
I think it is of great use to raise the consciousness in order to focus on improving one's condition. Peace.
I'm all about raising consciousness, ones own and sometimes that of others. But the slaughterhouse conundrum points out the need for more than just spirit, we have to work onthis less elevated plain as well.And as time becomes more of a factor, a return to the political becomes more urgent.(especially for those literally living in shit,often OUR shit)
Trout, every time I hear "political" I get a background image of dolts waiting to be ordered to do the right thing and pushers searching for such addicts to milk for their lunch money by lining them in nice uniform, no hassle harnesses feeding them on plastic toys. A paradigm shift is an individual realization of the benefit of a new idea. When it comes dressed in a political hat, administrative of the establishment or the would be establishment, the unions and civil rights protestors, the spirit is replaced with coercion from both sides.
Any one who wants to change the world wants to control it. I want people to realize their control over their own choices of whether or not to be of benefit without the procrastination of follow the faith in leaders or mob rule.
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