Friday, May 14, 2010


This is a reply to Troutsky’s astonishing claim that the life of the Time Master in the previous post was easy, because living outside the artificial spectacle was LIVING IN A DREAM — that actually dealing symbiotically with nature is less realistic than the energy starved prosthetic culture we have isolating us from it.

I am beginning to notice a tendency of Socialists to deride back to nature commune examples of living by socialist ideals as dreamers copping out on the real work of the revolution to drive the big bad machine of central control. This is a reflection of the United States’ top down version of democracy’s tendency to, not only deride, but overthrow self determined democracy arising without its consent or aegis. The larger the government the more consideration of the quality of people’s lives is replaced with the quantity of the burgeoning economy’s usury of those individual lives — no matter who’s driving.


Brian Miller said...

that last line speaks volumes...

troutsky said...

I have no problem with people providing alternative, democratic models but it's never enough. Thinking it is constitutes a dream.Passive resistance- non-participation is never enough and those with the most privilege need to be taking the biggest risks.

Perhaps you already do and I've totally misjudged.

Yodood said...

Trout, calling individual behavior not enough curses all men who aren't part of your or someone else's mob. Beach blanket bigotry.

You have no concept of what I've been saying all along, but since you've assumed the authority to judge, tell me how non participation is resistence. Is an athiest a natural born Xian fighting his/her nature? Sheesh!