Ever since sitting in the hot sun outside the theater in the middle of the Highland Mall parking lot waiting to get into see the movie that coined the term blockbuster, I have been confused about whether I should let the farce be with me or go over to the dork side. Since we ate a lot of popcorn and I sat next to my buddy, Doug Cugini, his farts were with me although we’d gone over to the dark inside to see and be inspired for the theme to the Hole in the Wall’s Halloween party that year, Bar Wars. Even golf was never the same; when shooting par the fours was with us and when hitting a wild shot it was on the duck side.
I am still referred to as Yoda by a few who were around in those days. In fact, it wasn’t ‘til I reread that last sentence just now that I realized where I came up with Yodood as my replacement for the more forgettable blog name of gregraetgar (Green Graphics and (et) Gardens). Troutsky still calls me Greg, he’s so yesterday.
I never made it beyond the introduction of Jar Jar Binks before Lucas’ farce became too much and my DVD player went over to the dark side for that franchise. I have younger friends who revile George Lucas for so reneging on the promise of the series beginngs. We were all influenced.
Whether it was Sir Alec’s suave dismissal of the storm troopers searching for R2D2 and 3PO or Yoda’s convoluted language wisdom, there were sensations much more sublime than mere ears pricked up in this society already aware of the alternate meanings of the counter culture’s lyrics and their startling gestures like putting flowers in riot police gun barrels.
If language evolved in the same way species do, and records since language was first translated into stone and metal symbols testify to that being the case, observing the changing meaning of words to certain groups in the same culture in reaction to oppressive authority and relating that to a match in the variation of race to language, probable religion and national turf we can see that the expansion of the human race from one set of parents involved the oppression of crowding at least as much as much as from the natural curiosity of the individual being followed by the flock if the new ground works out for her.
Observing day old chicks evolve to egg bearing matrons, expanding from a cardboard box to a six by twelve foot coop for their first seven months to tentatively separating further while roaming this eight acre area in the woods by the Colorado River free range for the past three months, I feel like I am observing the expansion of humanity without the trappings of civilization establishing marks of permanent ownership though proximity sometimes raises squabbles with the other species and the years older hens whereever they occur. Squabble is a perfect word for confrontation with a chicken by the way, just like gobble is for turkeys.
These girls of mine, with no training other than copying each other, evolved a language that both sounds identical in words and personal in inflection when they are announcing the arrival of the latest egg or voicing their desire for a corn tortilla treat at the porch door. The egg announcement happens to be identical to every other chicken I’ve heard upon such an event.
So, are our words similar to the words in disparate languages through genetics or through evolving from one language. Are there phrases whose utterance in the right volume and frequency will be recognized by the genetic memory of the primitive brain triggering an override to anything learned since birth? Who is the hypnotist talking to?
I dabbled in hypnotism in my teens and decided it was one of those extremely powerful realizations that lead to my just-because-you-can/should-you choice to leave it as background evidence for my curiosity’s other tangential interests as a more oblique approach to this vast unknown. Justin, over at Memetika has just posted on the Millennium in the Shadow of Freud with links to the excellent videos aired on the BBC several years ago about the use of mass hypnosis through propaganda (bad mind control by our enemies) and public relations (good mind control by our leaders).
If we have buttons that have been programmed and someone knows how to push them, are we not the droids we are inventing?
i am not the droids you are looking for...but go pay $10 at the theatre just for the ticket, another $15 for a snack and enjoy watching the dull boring parts we did not show you in the preview...also believe that this looks like healthcare reform and the end of the war...the world is at peace (wave of the hand).
maybe not the particular droid I was looking for, but your comment would seem to indicate I found your button anyway, it must be me … mistaken … that is. ;D
Let the dorks be with us...
fandango todd
Hi Kerrie, always glad to hear from you!
more glad to hear from you. Please email me at my old address, windows 7 is shyte! Kerrie
Hah... there's a lot to this piece, and I'm not sure where to start...
The philosophical aspect aside, I think the development of language (from an anthropological perspective) actually happened based upon a specific culture and, likely, independently of other cultures.
Going back to philosophy, the observation of losing the individual at the gain of the society is, I think, tautological, and as long as there are people who preach individualism (whether the are actually achieving it or not), the concept and its practice will exist as long as we will.
On a slight tangent, your post reminds me heavily of the beliefs of Arthur C. Clarke, particularly concerning where biology and technology will ultimately coalesce.
Now my head hurts.
I do enjoy your slick turns of phrase Yodood. "Are we the droids we've been looking for?" is a nice little spin. And as for the choice between "good mind control" and "bad mind control" I can't quite make my mind up on that one....
Or so the man behind curtain tells me. ;-)
Whether it is preached or practiced, conceived or conceited, we are physically separate beings and as such are responsible for our own existence. Social arrangements are choices forced on or freely masde by individuals. Making a concept, an ism, of the undeniable is for people educated beyond their capacity.
Justin, What mind is it you're supposed to make up, for how long? I hope you know I was being facetious with the "good" on any mind control. Making one's mind up is a form of self hypnoiss, it just now occured to me. Hmmmm. Feels like another post brewing.
Certainly I knew that your comment was facetious, my reply was equally so. No worries my good man. ;-)
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