So, here comes Cinnamon with an old meme for old me, so I'll reply with answers that haven't changed in the two years since I last got tagged with it.
1) I have not seen a doctor, nor needed to, since my hypochondriac, registered nurse wife went home to her mother thirty-seven years ago. Proper diet and homeopathy have succeeded where junk food and the AMA failed with regularity.
2) I have not owned or driven a car for thirty-three years, with two exceptions in emergency situations.
3) I have been celibate for the past twenty-two years in an ongoing experiment to learn if sex would arise without my initiation of the act, leaving me with the unavoidable impression that I am not sexually attractive or that I am attracted to women dedicated to the same experiment. Playing hard to get and succeeding too well.
4) I have lived nineteen months naked in a tipi in the wild, albeit owned lands.
5) I witnessed the night long labor of a friend’s natural childbirth resulting in a new life opening its eyes for the first time to see sun peek simultaneously over the horizon, followed momentarily by the shadow of a curious cow come to look in the window.
6) I have seen two different UFOs close enough to see silhouettes of beings inside moving across lighted panels and fell asleep watching a third dashing to and fro across distant mountains.
7) I survived being caught sailing from Pascagoula across the gulf to Tampa by a minor hurricane which, in the middle of pitch black chaos, caused me to leap to the conclusion that there might possibly be a god. When the thirty foot seas remained after the winds died to batter my boat like a pebble in a maraca, I let their namesake, Aeolus, have all the screaming insanity that emergency prolonged over two days can build with both blaspheming barrels.
There is an amazing corollary to the first three in the list above: with out a car, doctor or persuasive pursuit of wimmin I have lived quite luxuriously below the United States’ poverty level for twenty of the last thirty years. I have satisfied myself with the truth in the phrase, “The measure of a man’s true wealth is the things he can live without.” and the reality in the quote, “I can cover the earth in leather or wear my own shoes.”
I feel no obligation to pass this tag on, its having arrived here by accidental shenanigans and playful intrigue by an idle English idyller.
intriguing...number 4, i would love to try...1,2 and 3 are just impressive...number 6 makes me want to hang out with you all the more. and wonderful quotes to bring it home.
Wow, must have been cold in that tipi!
I knew the first one about you but not the others.
I am intrigued by the celibacy- never thought it really possible.
The natural childbirth must have amazing- an experience that stays somewhere deep in the psyche always.
UFOs too- this is fascinating.
as for no.7..'there might possibly be a god'.. well I still think there might. Scary experience in the storm. That was some battle you were in.
thanks for for taking the time to indulge my idle playfulness :)
I think I'm on my way to being you, being me, Yodood. Are we communicating across the expanse of time and a mirrored dimension? Are you me in another world? Cross dimensional blogging! Who woulda thunk it?
Brian, As to #6 here is my best illustration of the ones I saw up close.
Cinnamon, Austin Texas is only 3° north of tropical. No cold to it.
I have had much closer friendships with women since I quit hitting on them.
Aeolus was also the name of the boat. The fact that I came close to finding a purposeful hand in my frustration beyond merely my being in the wrong place at the wrong time and surviving is telling to me about another of the human needs the invention of a creator serves, someone to blame for ignoring our relationship to our environment. Walk into a wall — we're being unjustly punished, or worse, HE just doesn't care — nothing worse than the indifference to ones faith.
Justin, funny you should say that, unless you are basing it also on my introductory comment at your place — I have, for years, had the ongoing feeling that I am becoming "Chance the Gardener" from Being There as I trade places in civilization with him to the isolation of the whole rest of the universe outside the blinding walls of the "real world." as described by orthodox civility.
I guess my comment was about the uncanny sense of deja voodoo I had reading your post. I clicked with many of the points in your post, recognising the same life markers and I just had the sense that I'm zooming toward your current situation. Sounds good all in all. The only thing is that I've been celibate six years, hardly through choice, and I hope perhaps some obliging female may take me in hand once in the next forty years at least. I perhaps could also do without the being caught in a hurricane in a sailboat, but then there is very little control we have over the elements so I may just avoid sailing for the rest of my life. I was always very prone to sea sickness. :-)
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