Lately I’m prone to be longing
To write of how belonging
Means I’m at home in my body
Wherever it happens to be.
It can’t have been long
Since I longed
To be needed
To feel such belonging;
To share myself undaunted,
‘Til what was wanted
Turned out never to be
Anything belonging to me.
Then I’d drool like those fool dogs
At the knell of school bells
Once the idea was seeded
That the only thing that I needed
To look like black ink’s in my logs.
The habit was strong
To sell my myself to belong
To the things I could own,
Just to belong with folks
What says they likes ‘em.
And then there are unexpected gifts;
Of unearned adulation or derisions
Offering bridges across their divisions
Or driving wedges by reading me wrong.
Belonging to me,
It has come to me
To not play that game
Of owning their name
By seeing their “Foe” is faux blame
For misery that needs my company.
Belonging to me, I can see
My wealth requires no ledger
For those belongings I haven’t,
The things I don’t own
Don’t require payments on a loan.
I belong in my body.
My body belongs in the body of Earth,
The Earth belongs in the Milky Way
The Milky Way belongs in the universe,
Not an owner in sight.
the disappointment...it's an arsehole...kerrie
actually i really like this one...finding our place of belonging without feeling the crushing constraints of conformity...
Kerrie, welcome back after all these years,
So does this mean you "actually" didn't like the others?
"I belong in my body.
My body belongs in the body of Earth,
The Earth belongs in the Milky Way
The Milky Way belongs in the universe,
Not an owner in sight.
A catechism for the cosmic spirit - beautiful :D
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