Sunday, March 15, 2009


A new bill, HR 875 The Food Safety Modernization Act of 2009, will make home gardens illegal and finable up to $500,000 if Monsanto continues having sway over the FDA like it was their office gopher. Write your representatives and tell your friends to do so also. This insanity must be stopped and the FDA restructured from the ground up.

hat tip to my buddy Chuck and Friends Eat


Anonymous said...

This bill is cosponsored by my member of Congress, Barbara Lee, in whom I have great confidence and respect. I have briefly scanned the text and it does not appear to be as described. Indeed, it appears to be an attempt to restructure the FDA to be more effective and the appointment of a new FDA administrator (the subject of Barack Obama's weekly address) will hopefully move away from the Monsanto influence which has prevailed during the Bush administration.

Yodood said...

The FDA is Monsanto!!!

How else could the government even condone keeping the fact that they are eating GMO products from the consumers they purport to protect? The US is the pusher of GMO so hard they've infiltrated Mexico's ancient corn crops after they refused Monsanto's seeds.

This bill requires so much accounting that only industries can afford to take part. Check some of the farmers' blogs you can link to from the bill's site.

Anonymous said...

You're confounding two things, here. One is that the present FDA is, like the entire government has been, by and for the corporations. It needs to change, but this bill is not the problem.

The new FDA commissioner is former New York City Health Commissioner Margaret Hamburg. She is not Monsanto.

Yodood said...

Monsanto and the FDA knew each other carnally long before getting to Bush … wow, two unintended puns in one sentence … I'm an ahtist, I tells ya.

Anonymous said...

You're right about that. The nicest thing I can say about Bill Clinton is that he wasn't as bad as George W. Bush.

Anonymous said...

There's a really good thread on C&L about this bill, and the Monsanto spokeslawyer participates.

Yodood said...

The good part of your thread, Mahakal, is the comments eviscerating the either clueless or lying spokesman for Monsanto. Following the links is a further indictment of Monsanto, etal's duplicitous ghost writing of federal policies and obvious benefit from them.

The mere fact that Monsanto considers giving consumers a choice by labeling GMO products is an unfair defamation of them is all the example I need to see the twist in their priorities for health.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I agree completely.