Wednesday, March 05, 2008


This morning the sun crossed a point in the sky and the branches of Donna's tree which, this year, means warm enough soil for sprouts, as seen so gloriously sprung below after anxious, tardy days since seeding. It could be a month different some years, but this is how lore is accumulated, and the position of the sun is part of the new lore of my garden. Next week I am expecting the first toad chorus for the year during the new moon, as has happened the past two years.

Caulitomapepocab in varying abundance.

Onions and squash-in-a-cage for protection from the dastardly borer moth.

Sundown the same day, the spread looking southwest


Anonymous said...

Toddness, you are familliar with this quote, but I thought it appropriate to add to this post...

"The whole marvelous panorama of life that spreads over the surface of our globe is, in the last analysis, transformed sunlight." -E. Heakle

with much love,

Anonymous said...

Love the "caulitomapepocab"!
And the hammock!

Lilwave said...

How wonderful it would be if when I climbed Donna's tree that I find her at the top waiting on me!!

Yodood said...

Thanks A, sunlight always reminds me of you.

Yeah, Leslie, a hammock, the best rest west of east.

Very different Donna, Lilwave, but thanks for reminding me of that tree you both climbed during our short sharing of Renalee Loop and your wish.

karoline in the morning said...

*stomps foot*

but it's no fair! you don't have any you realize the utter fruitility (new word) of starting these tiny babies who rely on me so to plant their small feet into something that'll sustain them?...

it's NEVER going away...this is it..i may have to take up icefishing instead...

Yodood said...

Karoline, I still have to bring the tray of sprouts inside every night, it still freezes without snow.

I don't understand your fruitility being so anxious or what is never going away?

Diane Dehler said...

What is a toad chorus?

Yodood said...

Princess, In this postI speak about the annual first gathering of the toads for the purposes of singing, revelry and reproduction. The morning after which all the water plants below the surface are wrapped in long strands containing pairs of black dots which develop into thousands of tadpoles or pollywogs to swim around avoiding birds and fish while growing legs to climb out of the pond and patrol my garden for bugs. If you go to my web site's garden section and click on the pond movie you will see a few of these thousands clinging to my legs for the protien of my dead skin.