Thursday, April 19, 2007


I call it a humming bug, anybody got anything more official?

While floating about the jungle I call my yard this early misty morn, chuckling all the way at the absolute beauty in each blade of grass, burgeoning loquat fruit, dew dripping papyrus leaf, I noticed a spider web glistening in the foggy rising sun rays suspended over the pond in a perfect pattern a meter in diameter. Thinking to capture it in pixels, I rounded the pond to find an angle to the sun that would reflect its entire expanse in strong enough contrast to the background for the camera to pick up. Half way round I looked back and realized another example of a lifetime of fuck ups in the threshold between thought and action — I had severed three of the long strands that once suspended the spiral and now the web hung like a sheet wafting in the light stir of air from Sol sizzling the surface of the water.

Werner Heisenburg knew the threshold well as his principle of uncertainty is based on the extreme possibility that the mere process of inquiry entails a question that rules out irrelevancies by the nature of its having a purpose. In my experience this morning, the moment the gossamer grid work evoked a desire to record it, to communicate it to a time and place less fleeting than the present inspiration, I had left the preverbal well of happily groking here now and began formulating words to nail it down, if only for myself. And, had I actually thought about making a wider circuit of the pond to avoid cutting the suspension lines on the web to find the perfect image to snap up, the event might still be only with myself, to myself. But the blunder seemed to make it worthy of sharing with anyone who cares about such things, is aware of such things.

Before I hatched a plan to capture the moment, there was no observer separate from the observed. There was only the universe being joyously aware of itself from its tiniest aspects to its solar immensity and timelessness that with a hiccup of my reality seemed to grow a skin and a plan that felt much like the cinematic effect of panning in on the web center while zooming out to its limits. Considering ourselves as separate from what we observe is the initial motivation to communicate with the idea of “other” to maintain the oneness intuited in preverbal thought.

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