Sunday, September 18, 2011

"How to stop pervs from stealing your naked pics"

Seen on msnbc's lineup of today's news articles, this headline is possible only in western civilization. It made my spit out the cookie I was eating to guffaw, it had such a level of self-inflicted oxymoron about it.


Brian Miller said... dont them getting out there do you...smiles.

Yodood said...

…eh? what say?

don't know why I still ask, you never answer in your cryptic esotericistic style … or substance, that's what I'm trying to learn.

Peter Greene said...

'esotericistic'.....(happy snort).

Tom said...


that's all.

Unknown said...

So? How do you stop them?

Unknown said...

HAHAHAHA....I love oxy(morons)..... where would the world be with hypocrisy??