I offer for those interested in my experiences in attempting to become more symbiotic with the nature of my environment and the metaphors its lessons show me I have put up a section on my web site called Green’s Graphic Gardens showing planting schedules, histories, scientific observations, and suggested techniques for the best compost fastest. One thing that will become fairly obvious early on for anyone perusing the histories of the different beds, is that a large part of my experience has been failed crops. But then I really don’t understand why what succeeds does so well either. But each time I back off a little further and study the problem through daily observation from one season to the next, and read more deeply into individual pests and diseases, and learn to create a filter from the blistering Texas summer sun more kinds of seedlings become adults. I have yet to learn to cope with the temperature at 100°+ for months at a time, nothing from melons to peppers bore fruit this year from mid June to Mid September. The peppers are going gang busters now that the nights reach 70° as if saving a lot of ideas for the proper moment.

I have to admit that this blog of mine has not been as much about my learning to be symbiotic with the planet as it is a record of my alienation from and awakening to the accelerating encroachment of a beast I’d never trusted but felt safe around so long as I bribed it with part of my income. My attitude of letting sleeping dogs lie sufficed until their lies became so obvious that I realized the sleeping was on the part of the sheep the lying dogs were lying all around, about, to. The United States Govenment is by the money, for the money, and of the money and the people are just little money generators spent to repay cotton candy loans with the interest in real value to the cotton candy man. A person’s honest inspiration and perspiration are the source of all of civilization’s values, the rest of the workforce is shuffling papers in an effort to extract the highest price with the least effort from the lowest wage possible to the creative and sweaty. Robinhood wasn’t a source of wealth, he was a money laundering operation in reverse. Somehow folks have swapped the quality in the value of being self reliant and sufficient for the quantity in the volume by marketing the goods and services supplied by the inspiration and sweat of others. I realize I am describing the new american way of life, it just seems cheap and tawdry to digitize quality into quantity at every turn. Quality recoginzes quality in appreciation. Quantity competes with quantity for the most. The US government has become a countless jar of bean counters cheapening every value individuals may have believed they served. I haven’t even begun to talk about the tortilla that has that big burrito all wrapped up, the latest administration.
That last paragraph is a good example of why I can’t stick to the nature part of my day because it isn’t a product of my thinking or my desire for expression. Whereas words seem the only action I will allow myself to employ to awaken fellow sheep. And though the number of people that see the naked ass of the emperor is a measure of small quantity, it is based on the quality of their thinking for the value that inspires the momentum of the revelation that we are supporting a demonic government with no rights to represent or serve us in such an imperial, such a fascistic way. If we withdraw support of our servants by not shopping for anything but natural foods (no packaging) for a month in large enough quantity, the bean counters might be a little more attentive to the original contract, the constitution. Well here I am again, railing about the government in a post about my garden. Until such time…

Nothing like a failed crop to learn from, I have had lots of those too. I will look at your Green Graphic Garden Site. I am going to be gardening again soon and can use more knowledge on how to get things productive. There is something so natural being out working your own soil that when you pause to look at where the world is, you can´t stop but realize so much is a farce. So many people, Americans in particular have no idea how to care for themselves, they have no idea how dependant on the system they are. If disaster struck and that system was gone, they would be lost. Going back to nature and relying on yourself is not what the government wants because there is less money for them in it. Everything pushes towards being a consummer.
"If disaster struck and that system was gone, they would be lost."
As if peak oil or our karmic comuppance for treating nature so illy aren't enough probability of disaster, ridding the US of its rotten to the core military-industrial administration will bring chaos alive amongst every level of the sheeple. At least with the toppling of the government, the solutions are as clear as the problems, with the first two, there is nothing being done to avert them and definitely nothing to be done after they strike, witnessed by Exxon Valdes and Katrina.
So, when checking out your planting schedule, I noticed that you clearly define the Austin winter season. Just a thought, but I think that it might be helpful to go ahead and officially define July and August as Austin's second winter season. Although not a cold one, obviously, the stress of the drought and heat tells the plants that it is time to go dormant again, even though us gardeners continually have hope for rain etc, and want to believe that we really have this long growing season to work with. It is a myth, and although we know it's coming, we still get caught up in the success of spring and eagerly throw the dice into the summer, knowing that the odds are probably against us. I have learned, and find it helpful in my planting to accept this second winter straight out and plan accordingly as if it was winter coming, protecting stuff and planning the planting to awaken again in the fall. That way things are ready when the heat passes and it helps to curb the disappointment of the summer season cut short.
Peace & Peas,
Well noted, my dear Amberosity, well noted. I actually thought about the Austin dormant summer season more unfriendly than its winters. So, you may note the changes so recorded on the Spring Planting Schedule.
All contributions of personal observations of nature and small garden sustainence would be appreciated and I could begin a record of such grass roots knowledge. Please, don't take grass roots literally, I will post nothing about lawns, though I do mention grass clippings. Tune in, drop out, farm out
I strayed into the other sections of your site and have not made it to the vegetables yet. How nice you can work from home, a freedom that I truly value. Looks like you must stay busy keeping all this up. Good to see someone making it on their principals and not compromising. Its how it should be.
I don´t think the American government would care about its citizens in a true disaster, they would have to much else on their minds.
Like being the disaster themselves
i hope it ok i blog shared you hehe
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